Switchboards & Control Panels
Industrial Monitoring & Control |
Analog Panel Meters
Moving iron & moving coil ammeters & voltmeters.
Battery level monitoring.
Thermal demand, frequency, power factor, Watt-meters & var-meters.
Digital Panel Meters
AC & DC digital ammeters & voltmeters.
Multifunction ac panel meters, digital frequency meters & synchroscopes.
Multipurpose digital pulse meter.
Generator & Marine Controls
A range of Gen-Set controls designed for all combined heat & power, co-generation, diesel and gas engine generator applications.
Sensors including micro switches & industrial limit switches, photoelectric, proximity, ultrasonic, level, temperature & pressure sensors.
Plug-In Relays & Solid State Relays
General purpose plug-in relays, DIN rail mount & PCB mount.
High performance power relays, intelligent SSRs & relay interface modules.
Relay bases etc.
Ammeter Shunts
Low current from 2 to 24A made to order.
Lightweight 50mV shunts from 30A to 100A.
Industrial shunts imported or made to order.