Audible & Visual Alarms
Audible & Visual Alarms
Manufactured by Qlight, Korea
QWCD35 LED Strobe Light & Electronic Sounder
- 115dBA max. warning sounds, 113dBA max. messages
- Optional MP3 sound file select from SD card.
- 31 available tones or 31 pre-recorded tones
- Available colours red, amber, green & blue
- Supplies 12-24Vdc 1.3A max. 110-230Vac 0.35A max.
- Environment IP66 -20°C to +50°C
QWCD50 LED Strobe Light & Electronic Sounder
- 123dBA max. warning sounds, 118dBA max. messages
- Optional MP3 sound file select from SD card.
- 31 available tones or 31 pre-recorded tones
- Available colours red, amber, green & blue
- Supplies 12-24Vdc 4.7A max. 110-230Vac 0.8A max.
- Environment IP66 -20°C to +50°C
Watch & listen to the QWCD35 demo video on YouTube
QWH35T Wall Mounted Electronic Horn Sounder
- 31 pre-recorded warning sounds up to 115dB output
- SD card MP3 with up to 30 audio messages, 113dB output max.
- Volume control
- Supply 12-24Vdc 1A
- Environment IP66 -30°C to +50°C
QWH50T Wall Mounted Electronic Horn Sounder
- 31 pre-recorded warning sounds up to 123dB output
- SD card MP3 with up to 30 audio messages, 118dB output max.
- Volume control
- Supply 12-24Vdc 4.1A
- Environment IP66 -30°C to +50°C
QMPS Panel Mounted Multifunction Speaker
- 98dBA max. warning sounds, 95dBA max. MP3 audio
- MP3 sound file select from SD card.
- 30 available tones or 30 pre-recorded tones off SD card
- Supply 12-24Vdc 0.75A
- Environment IP54 -25°C to +50°C
Watch & listen to the QMPS demo video on YouTube